Types of foundations in building Construction

One of the most important parts of the structure is the foundation. Simply, the foundation is the lower portion of the building structure. Which is classifieds into two types, they are Shallow Foundation and Deep foundation . The solid ground on which the foundation rests is called foundation bed. Although foundations were constructed from a variety of materials — stone, brick, and even treated wood, reinforced concrete is being used in the vast majority of new homes. Normally we dig a deep trench in the ground to make a foundation, which is deeper to the subsoil because subsoil is more solid than the topsoil. Then fill it with strong, hard steel materials and pour in concrete into the trench. When the concrete dries, this acts as the foundation. Shallow Foundation A shallow foundation is a type of building the foundation that transfers building loads to the earth very close to the surface rather than to a sub-surface layer or depth range. · Spread foo...